Friday, 27 November 2015

Everything comes along at once

Hi all!

Random post incoming; anyone noticed that when you are waiting for a bus its always late but then suddenly three come along at once? Well keep that analogy in mind.

For the past year I've been battling with depression and struggling with where I want to take my life. I finished uni about 4/5 months ago and I'm currently in a temporary Christmas job that I am actually really enjoying. So even though i didn't know what I was doing with my life, I was dealing with it and taking it as it comes. About 3 weeks ago (on the day I accepted the xmas job no doubt) I was contacted by this lovely woman on the other side of the world to be an au pair for her child. Now this is something I was considering doing a few months ago. I very politely told her that unfortunately I had accepted a job for a few months so I couldn't come out, she was very understanding and was willing to wait for me, so I have been im contact with her and I really like her. I also on a whim applied for a job with the government that was a secretarial role (not something that I really want to do but I good shoe in the door) I've now been offered an interview with them and my mum has spotted an open day with them!

I'm just feeling really conflicted at the moment, I suffer from anxiety and it was a big step for me to even accept the idea of being on the other side of the world. My mum is really set on me having a professional job and doesn't understand the excitation I have for being an au pair. My heart is telling me to just go and enjoy other cultures and leave the professional jobs for now because they are careers. When am i ever going to get the chance to see other parts of the world like this again, I have my whole life to being in a professional working job.

Any thoughts or experiences would be lovely :)


Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Just a really quick update!

Haven't been posting on here a lot recently (the last post was really delayed in being published) this is due to a few things, one being a low motivation to make things and the other is anxiety in posting my bakes to the internet!

Hoping to over come both of these and I have a minions themed bake coming soon! I'm making it tomorrow but the post probably won't go out until Sunday/Monday due to commitments!

Keep Baking

Saturday, 3 October 2015


For starters; what a word! Apparently it means crunch in the mouth, the more you know eh? I've been wanting to make one of these ever since I saw it on The Bake Off a few years ago, I never managed to get round to it due to time and studies but now I have some free time I wanted to tackle the monster ;)

After gathering my ingredients I then set to making the choux pastry; first impressions? Great! It was nice and easy to make, a lot of arm work, but nice and simple :) Once the pastry was made I piped in onto two trays lined with greaseproof paper.

I did have a major problem with about 2 thirds of the buns sticking to the greaseproof paper, now this could of been due to several faults on my behalf but I don't really know what one! End thought; I should have probably used silicone to stop the sticking.

Once the buns were made I started on the crème pâtissière, this was also simple to make and was then left to cool in the fridge. Once it was cool, I piped the crème pât into the buns and made a simple caramel to "glue" the structure together.

Overall thoughts with the final project? It was fun to make, not too hard (just time consuming), went down really well with the family and looked really impressive at the end! I discovered during this baking experiment that I really don't like crème pât! If I personally was to make this again I would fill it with whipped cream! :)

Keep Baking

Thursday, 7 May 2015

UK Election 2015

Well we are finally here, election day! Ever 5 years the United Kingdom votes for their government, this year has been quite different than others by having more leading parties. In previous elections it has beem noted that generally only the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats or Labour have "control". However this year has seen the rise of both the Green party and the UK independence party (also known as UKIP). This year will be my first ever year to vote, as last time the election was held a week before my 18th birthday. I've tried to do my best to study the parties and come to my own conclusion, but i have to admit this is pretty hard. Being a week away from the most important exams in my life, finall year university exams, time has been limited. Understanding what each party stands for and the policies they suggest can be hard for people too. I would never tell anyone who to vote for but I will always stress that you aren't just agreeing with one policy but all of the policies put forward by the party, keep that in mind and only vote if you agree with the majority of policies put by the party!
Happy voting!

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Primark Mint Green Bag

As mentioned yesterday, I went shopping and said I was going to post a picture of the Primark bag I purchased. I saw this bag an instantly fell in love with the colour of it, that wonderful mint choc chip ice cream colour that I love and is currently in season! The other thing I love about this bag is the laser cut patterns on the front, a great detail for a low price bag! The bag is small and could probably fit a regular size purse in it but not much more, a bag of this size would be great for holidays or when you just want to carry a few essentials. The bag was only £4, an absolute steal!

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Anyone else obsessed?

Anyone else obsessed with these? Because I live in England, these babies are reasonably hard to come by at a good price, I managed to get two packs of these for £3 in ASDA which isn't too bad! Also I went shopping today for a few products I want to try out; I only managed to get one but oh well! Tomorrow I will be posting two things! One is on a bag i purchased yesterday and the other is a first impression on the L'Oréal Clasting Sunkissed Jelly in the colour 2 dark blonde to light blonde, so stay tuned for those!

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Strange findings

Random post:
I was having a look around my dad's computer desk for some compressed air as my laptop needs a good clean, when I came across this gem in one of the drawers. I have no idea where its come from! I shall have to do some investigating.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Welcome :)

Hi Guys,

Just a quick message to say Hi and Welcome! This is my first time writing a blog, and I'm hoping to fill it with things that you'll find interesting. These will include beauty products I try, cakes I (try to) make, stories and general bits and bobs in my life.

Bear with me and I get to grips with writing a blog, I'm hoping to update as much as I can, but hopefully I can do it at least once a week :)

Thanks guys