Thursday, 7 May 2015

UK Election 2015

Well we are finally here, election day! Ever 5 years the United Kingdom votes for their government, this year has been quite different than others by having more leading parties. In previous elections it has beem noted that generally only the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats or Labour have "control". However this year has seen the rise of both the Green party and the UK independence party (also known as UKIP). This year will be my first ever year to vote, as last time the election was held a week before my 18th birthday. I've tried to do my best to study the parties and come to my own conclusion, but i have to admit this is pretty hard. Being a week away from the most important exams in my life, finall year university exams, time has been limited. Understanding what each party stands for and the policies they suggest can be hard for people too. I would never tell anyone who to vote for but I will always stress that you aren't just agreeing with one policy but all of the policies put forward by the party, keep that in mind and only vote if you agree with the majority of policies put by the party!
Happy voting!