Hi all!
Random post incoming; anyone noticed that when you are waiting for a bus its always late but then suddenly three come along at once? Well keep that analogy in mind.
For the past year I've been battling with depression and struggling with where I want to take my life. I finished uni about 4/5 months ago and I'm currently in a temporary Christmas job that I am actually really enjoying. So even though i didn't know what I was doing with my life, I was dealing with it and taking it as it comes. About 3 weeks ago (on the day I accepted the xmas job no doubt) I was contacted by this lovely woman on the other side of the world to be an au pair for her child. Now this is something I was considering doing a few months ago. I very politely told her that unfortunately I had accepted a job for a few months so I couldn't come out, she was very understanding and was willing to wait for me, so I have been im contact with her and I really like her. I also on a whim applied for a job with the government that was a secretarial role (not something that I really want to do but I good shoe in the door) I've now been offered an interview with them and my mum has spotted an open day with them!
I'm just feeling really conflicted at the moment, I suffer from anxiety and it was a big step for me to even accept the idea of being on the other side of the world. My mum is really set on me having a professional job and doesn't understand the excitation I have for being an au pair. My heart is telling me to just go and enjoy other cultures and leave the professional jobs for now because they are careers. When am i ever going to get the chance to see other parts of the world like this again, I have my whole life to being in a professional working job.
Any thoughts or experiences would be lovely :)